I am a postdoctoral researcher at Biovision, INRIA Sophia Antipolis, working on deep generative approaches for personalized training in virtual reality. I received my Ph.D. from Université Paris-Saclay, during which I worked at Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire des Sciences du Numérique, under the supervision of Michael Filhol on animating Sign Language descriptions using 3D avatars, combining linguistic modeling, computer graphics, and animation techniques to enhance the naturalness and scalability of the synthesis. I received my Master of Science in Informatics from Université Grenoble Alpes, specializing in computer graphics and machine learning. I received my Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering from SRM Institute of Science and Technology, where I developed a strong foundation in programming and algorithms.
You can contact me here
My research interests focus on leveraging Computer Graphics and Human-Computer Interaction to enhance accessibility.
Currently, I am working on deep generative approaches for the personalized creation of content aimed at low-vision rehabilitation and diagnosis as part of the Creative3D project.
During my PhD, I worked on animating AZee(a sign language description language) expressions using avatars.
During my M1 thesis, my work aimed at improving the eye interaction methods for GazePlay.
Check out games developed by me during game jams here.
Talk on adding a Qt3D based backend for popular planetarium software KStars.
An application idea pitched in the fields of Nutrition, AI, and IoT that aims at solving Vitamin D deficiencies in the elderly. Our team was awarded bronze medal for this idea.